2001 – New Hope Pennsilvania at Maestro Mark Masters
The First Coaches Conference

Coach Rak making a Touche’

The Winners at the Coaches Conference Competition

2004 – San Anthonio, Texas
The Third Coaches Conference

Former President of the US Fencing Coaches Association, Master Wendell Kubik, Maestra Grace Haberzettle, Maestra Vincent Bradford, Master Witold Rak

Presenter Fencing Master Dave Micahnik from the University of Pennsylvania

Coach Grace Haberzettle from the Coastal Bend Fencing Society
South Texas Division

Coach Rak at the Palo Alto College Entrance

Maestro Stuart Kaufman from the Marin Fencing Academy

At the general meeting

Coach Rak Giving his presentation on Motor Control as related to fencing

Our group at the Famous River Walk Caffee.

2005 – USFCA Annual Conference – Westbrook, Maine